River Kayaking: (Dates/Times TBA) UUFNB kayaking is a gentle activity. We paddle at a leisurely pace enjoying the wonders of the area’s rivers and the company of our fellow kayakers.

Kayaking is every other Wednesday morning (weather permitting) April through September.  Typically meet at 8:30 am at designated launch area, in the water at 9:00 am.  Total time of paddling is two hours.  Each week is a different paddle.

Need to bring water, whistle, sun screen, hat, water shoes, your Personal Flotation Device (PFD), kayak and paddle. If you do not have a kayak, please let me know.  Beginners welcomed.

Contact Trish Hardy for details.

Meditation: The weekly Meditation Class at UUFNB is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced meditators.  We always go over the basics of why we meditate and how to meditate with time for practice as well as questions.  The Meditations are often guided as that facilitates the meditative experience, especially for beginners.  Our communication regarding topics and relevant hiatus dates is by weekly emails.  All are welcome on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 12:30 at The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of New Bern.  Contact: Molly Knazek or 252-634-1769.

Qi Gong classes are offered Mondays from 11:30-12:30 by Qi gong teacher Chris Doty. If you are interested in joining in and exploring a weekly class, please contact Molly Knazek at 252-634-1769.

Tai Chi is offered to all on Fridays at 4-5 pm for advanced students. Tai Chi is a path towards healthy aging for all ages.

Kaffee Klatch is held on Mondays, 9:30am at Kitchen on Trent. Several years ago, a few folks agreed to meet for coffee at a local restaurant every Monday morning, for the purpose of exploring in depth an issue of the day. Over time, that has morphed into a significant socialevent, with as many as fifteen voices all talking at once about anything and everything. It has proven to be a particular draw for newer members, in getting to know and getting to be known. And it often yields ideas, big and small, to enhance the Fellowship experience.

Recovery Dharma is held every Tuesday at 1 PM. There will be a recovery Dharma meeting at UU offering the community of peers encouragement regarding Buddhist base recovery to all types of addiction. The hour long meeting consists of a group meditation, reading from the recovery Dharma text and sharing. For more information people can visit their website recoverydharma.org. The yoga and meditation teacher Sarah Duda will be facilitating.