Rev. Rob Debs: Unitarian Universalist congregations are not dedicated to a particular sacred text, or to a particular creed or mystical experience, what are Unitarian Universalist congregations for?
Rev. Rod Debs is pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greenville, NC, where he is also a member of the Greenville Human Relations Council. Rev. Debs is active with the Interfaith Alliance of East Carolina, the Church's Outreach Network, Amexcan, and the Farm and Food Council of Pitt County.
Rev. Debs has shared ministry in Unitarian Universalist congregations for 27 years in Texas, Iowa, and Florida. He and his spouse, Jeannette have hosted 15 international exchange students. Their daughter Katrina is in training as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and resides in Paonia, CO. As for his home garden, at last count Rev. Debs has 56 tomato plants among other vegetables growing in his yard.