What to Expect on a Sunday Morning

What is the Service Like?

A sample of our order of service is on the right. Unitarian Universalism draws inspiration and wisdom from many sources, so the worship experience may seem eclectic. Our minister presents two Sundays a month, generally. Our other services are lay-led - reflecting the diverse gifts of our fellowship and invited speakers who speak to our principles as Unitarian Universalists.

Dress is casual.

We offer refreshments after the service. Please stay and get to know us!

  • Prelude

  • Call To Worship

  • Welcome

  • Chalice Lighting & Opening Words

  • Musical Selection

  • A Time for the Child in All of Us (children are then dismissed to Religious Exploration time)

  • Hymn

  • Presentation

  • Offering

  • Online Benediction

  • Sharing of Joys & Concerns

  • Extinguishing the Chalice

  • Closing Words


Will My Child Be welcome?

Absolutely! Your child may stay with you during the service or spend time in the children's room. In our children's room, kids move around, work with their hands, develop character, and have fun in a safe, nurturing environment staffed by skilled teachers.

I walk in the door and feel the difference, the
openness, the warmth, the care.
— Bethanne J.