We are Seeking a Half-time Minister to Begin Summer 2018
To view our Ministerial Search Packet click here
Job Description: The Minister will be responsible for the Sunday worship twice per month and reasonable pastoral duties. While we are proud of our shared ministry tradition with its deep pool of lay presenters, we also value the presence, spiritual guidance and inspirational leadership of a minister. With the understanding that “part time” often requires more time than expected, we intend to establish mutually agreed boundaries on time and responsibilities that are both reasonable and fair for the minister. Much administrative responsibility will remain with the Board and the President of the congregation with the minister consulting on issues of concern or importance to growth, strategic planning, stewardship and other areas where she or he has interest.
UUFNB has identified need for ministerial involvement in five key areas:
1. Worship - Sunday worship services will be shared between a minister and the lay leadership. Ministerial duties will also include presiding over funerals, weddings, child dedications, and other rites of passage.
2. Community Outreach–The minister will be a spokesperson for the congregation on social justice issues and enhancing our place within the New Bern and Craven County community.
3. Spiritual Development - The minister will provide guidance to individuals in their spiritual quests to understand and clarify their personal beliefs and life choices.
4. Congregational Care– The minister will strengthen the spiritual foundation of the community, nurturing our common bonds through pastoral care, building interpersonal relationships and welcoming visitors and new members.
5. Organizational Support – The minister will provide leadership in developing multi-cultural competence, effective worship, social justice ministries and dealing with community change and conflict.
The ideal candidate would be an inspirational UU minister, with a balance of spiritual and intellectual gifts, a sense of humor and a desire to oversee our continued growth and spiritual development.
Our Congregation: UUFNB was founded in 1993 by a small group of interested people who first gathered in a private home. The UUA accreditation process began in 1998. From there we expanded to a dedicated rental space and finally to our present fellowship building which we own. We are intensely proud of our journey and currently have over 100 members plus friends and children who are devoted to our fellowship. We have a vibrant, high energy, caring congregation and are experiencing continued growth. We currently have a building expansion project underway and are excited about that and our current search for a new minister who will replace our beloved previous minister who recently departed to be closer to family after fulfilling her contract.
Salary:Compensation will range from $25,000 to $30,000 negotiable.
Location:New Bern, N.C. is an historic, thriving waterfront community noted as a prime retirement and boating center, located at the confluence of the Neuse and Trent Rivers in coastal North Carolina. New Bern has just been named “the most beautiful town in North Carolina” by a national travel authority.
Website address:http://uufnb.org
Facebook Page: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of New Bern
To Apply Contact Dave McCracken at: davebmccracken@gmail.com or 252-636-6296